
AVS 70th International Symposium & Exhibition Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida, USA
The AVS International Symposium and Exhibition has been developed to address cutting-edge issues associated with vacuum science and technology in both the research and manufacturing communities. The Symposium is a week long forum for science and technology exchange featuring papers from technical divisions and technology groups, and topical conferences on emerging technologies. The equipment exhibition is one of the largest in the world and provides an excellent opportunity to view the latest products and services offered by over 200 participating companies. More than 3,000 scientists and engineers gather from around the world to attend. Short courses are offered in conjunction with the International Symposium providing specialized training in specific areas of vacuum science and related technologies. A Career Workshop and Job Center are also offered to all attendees. The Workshop covers such topics as résumé preparation, job search skills, networking, interviewing skills, and more. The Job Center provides the opportunity for job seekers to submit their résumés and meet with potential employers.
Contamination Control Congres 2024 Den Bosch
Congres met drie parallelle lezingenprogramma's, voor iedereen die werkzaam is in een van de vijf focusgebieden van Vereniging Contamination Control Nederland (VCCN): Healthcare, Micro-elektronica, Farma, Food of Space.
Precisiebeurs 2024 De vakbeurs voor precisietechnologie, in de Brabanthallen in Den Bosch. De NEVAC is vertegenwoordigd met haar "Ask the Expert" booth.
Op initiatief van de NEVAC en TNO komt er in ons land een workshop van IUVSTA, de internationale unie van nationale vacuümverenigingen. IUVSTA workshop 102, ultra-clean vacuuum, zal gewijd zijn aan de toekomstige behoeften en uitdagingen op vacuümgebied.
Meer informatie:

meer agenda


Adverteren in het NEVAC blad kost € 500,- per pagina, € 250 per halve pagina en naar rato voor meer of minder ruimte.

1/1 pagina: A4, 210 mm breed, 297 mm hoog
zetspiegel, niet verplicht bij aflopende advertenties: 180 mm breed, 257 mm hoog
1/2 pagina: 1/2 A4 liggend, 210 mm breed, 148,5 mm hoog
zetspiegel, niet verplicht bij aflopende advertenties: 180 mm breed, 125 mm hoog
bleed: 3 mm rondom
kleur: CMYK, profiel: ISO coated v2 300% (ECI)
resolutie: 300 dpi
bestand: pdf met embedded fonts


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